Richmond School of Painting
A step by step approach to painting

Richmond School of Painting offer drawing and painting classes for adults.
Join us and learn to paint in a “step by step” approach,
Building on small achievable tasks to make painting an easy and fun
activity. Learn the basics, experiment with tone, colour and shapes
and develop your skill in a friendly and supportive environment.
Discover new things about yourself and new ways of looking at the
world around you, a world of visual appreciation and thought.
You will see art and life in a different way.
My name is Guy Shoham. I am a painter. I believe that everyone
can draw and paint when given the right guidance and support.
Join a painting class and find your unique voice.
Guy Shoham

We offer Painting & Drawing Classes for Adults only.
There are three terms per year, with 10 sessions per term:
Autumn Term: Mid-September to Christmas holidays,
Spring Term: January to Easter Holidays,
Summer Term: May to July.
Click here for info about available classes.
" I joined Richmond School of Painting last year. In a short time, I have learned a great deal. Guy continues to oversee and advise about line, tone and colour. It is an ongoing learning experience - there is always something more to tackle, to improve, to change. The lessons fly by and one is absorbed in a painting bubble - a unique experience - something to look forward to each week"
Lyn Feldschreiber
"I came for the trial class and loved it. I am learning new skills in painting and drawing and having fun doing so."
Matt Stanton

Any questions? Just contact Guy on guyshoham@yahoo.com Call 07837068458
Or visit our ' frequently asked questions' page.
Register here for enquiries regarding classes. If you are interested to attend a trial class, let us know which course is suitable for you.
Info about available courses can be found here.